Views From The Pews – Sunday, July 10, 2022

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It has been some months now since the total relaxation of the Covid protocols and although there are lingering fears about other viruses, thank God this has not materialized in the way some thought it would.  For all intents and purposes, we are in the post Covid era.  This is evidenced by the numerous attempts to stage various events which suggest total normality.  As the Church, we have been cautious in returning to normal and with good reason.  I however, suggest that we begin to seriously think through and plan how do we as Church plan our missional and ministry going forward.  The reality is that Covid has reshaped our lives and this reshaped reality will become part our lives for the foreseeable future. 

As we engage this process, I suggest we begin to redefine our Church in ways that make it a pastoral community.  This means in essence making ourselves a caring community in an intentional and focused way.  This demands that we spend quality time exploring the issues, concerns, struggles, and challenges people are experiencing. 

Many of these realities existed before Covid but have been aggravated and more visible since Covid.  As a pastoral community, we must be a listening Church.  Even as we listen, we must also equip ourselves to better respond to the issues raised.  We must put aside the Church as a Sunday morning gathering, with weekdays spent organizing for the next Sunday. 

Our membership I suggest, should become involved in civic and community groups not just out of interest, but with a view to bring the Christian perspective to these systems.  The voice of the Church is not confined to our Bishops and Clergy, but in what each member has to say.  The presence of the Church is to be experienced in and to be felt in all of us.  The search by humanity for meaning, purpose and fulfillment in the journey of life, is for us a call to mission, a call to evangelism, a call to pursue our ministry as the people of God.

In this post-covid era, we pray the presence and power of God’s Holy Spirit more so now as we as a Church continue our focus on the Holy Spirit in the season of Pentecost.

Love & Blessings always

Fr. Eddie