Brothers & Sisters, This week I share with you a story extracted from the Epistle Reading from the website: One day Hudson Taylor was traveling on a Chinese junk […]
Brothers & Sisters,This week I share with you from the website:“This fellow welcomes sinners and eats with them” (from Luke 15:1-10; Proper 19, Year C). That’s what the Pharisees […]
Brothers & Sisters,This week I share with you on the topic “Christian Discipleship” from the website: Christian discipleship is a term that many of us never hear outside of […]
My Brothers & Sisters, For the past two years and some months, we have been caught in what seems an unending pandemic. Ever so often we hear about a new […]
From a Fisherman to a Shepherd John 21:15-19 This week we share George Zeller’s article entitled “From a Fisherman to a Shepherd” garnered from the Middletown Bible Church’s website: One […]
A Peaceful Sleep and An angelic Wake-up call Acts 12:3-11 This week we share George Zeller’s article entitled “A Peaceful Sleep and An Angelic Wake-Up Call” garnered from the Middletown […]
My Dear Brothers & Sisters, As I reflected on the message for today, with Independence being the theme in the Cure this year and Transfiguration having celebrated their Feast Day […]
My Dear Brothers & Sisters, Tomorrow we join with our brothers and sisters of the Diocese in celebrating Emancipation Day. The celebration of liberation is a significant feature of the […]
My Dear Brothers & Sisters, During the last few weeks, we have seen an increase in the activities intended to focus on our 60th Anniversary of Independence. These activities vary […]
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, We continue to hear far too often the cry of how challenging the times are. Most of this cry focuses on economic issues and with […]