Message for Missionary Sunday, December 3, 2023

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Today we celebrate Missionary Sunday in the Meadowbrook/ Merrivale Cure. There is little on-going discussion, if any, on the Jamaica Church Missionary Society (JCMS), its missionary work and importance in the Diocese and the Cayman Islands.

The JCMS is the recognized missionary arm of the Anglican Church in our Diocese.  The Society focuses on spreading the Gospel of Salvation with special relevance to human needs as taught by Jesus Christ. All registered communicant members of the Anglican Church are said to be members. The specific functions of the JCMS include:  a) planning of evangelistic and teaching missions to carry out on-going programme of evangelistic and social outreach,  b) dissemination of literature designed to educate and stimulate greater involvement in mission by clergy and laity,  c) raise funds for missionary work in Jamaica and overseas.

The Society should operate at all levels within the organizational structure of the Diocese (Congregational/Cure to Diocesan Council and Board). The General Council which administers the affairs of the Society is accountable to the Synod.  Canon XV requires that a Missionary Sunday should be designated in Churches each year, in addition to the hosting of Missionary Meeting at all Churches and Missions.

It should be noted that income is derived mainly from the voluntary contributions of members. As such, members are encouraged to give generously to the work of the JCMS today and on other occasions. Financial and prayerful support of the Society will enhance its evangelistic and teaching missions.

Visit the Diocesan website for more information about the JCMS.
