Message for the Fourth Sunday of Easter

Jesus is our Good Shepherd – Commentary taken from the Power for Life Bible

Jesus was a master teacher, and he frequently taught using stories.  In this Bible Story, jesus told the people, “I am the Good Shepherd.”  (John 10:11) 

Jesus told the people a robber tries to sneak over the back wall, but a shepherd enters by way of the door.  The sheep know the shepherd’s voice; they do not know the voice of a robber.  So when the shepherd calls them, they follow him.  But from a stranger they will flee.  Jesus continued, “I am the door of the sheep.  Anyone who enters by me will be saved and will go in and find pasture.  The thief does not come to give life, but comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy.  I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

How reassuring it is to know that Jesus is there, laying his life down willingly for us so we can be protected from harm and dangerous robbers who seek to steal our joy and our lives.  He seeks to protect us from all those distractions, fears, self-doubts, and destructive pleasures that threaten to keep us from making a positive difference, and a significant contribution with our lives.

Jesus, the Good Shepherd; not only protects us, he guides us.  A shepherd uses a guide dog, a staff, and a rod to guide the sheep, to keep them away from dangerous precipices, to keep them on the path that leads to good things, such as fresh water and green pastures.  In the same way, Christ, our savior, guides us, some times by correcting us by closing doors and opening new pathways to steer us toward the best for our lives.

Can you see how Chirst has protected you from something destructive? Can you see how Christ has guided you away from something that was more beneficial?  Do you need him to guide you to his path for your life?  Do you need him to protect you from something destructive in your life?  He is only a prayer away.

As we are called to serve our communities and or our parishes, we must never forget how a good shepherd protects his flock. It is through self-sacrifice of our time and talent, patience and understanding for others regardless of their religious belief or non belief. God doesn’t call the qualified, but He qualifies the called. God knows us and He calls us by name. As we are looking at different saints or clergy to learn from them, others look at us and learn from us. And as our struggles become real even as others turn to us for guidance, we also have a shepherd to turn to for help.  Most of us sometimes forget this, but we are leaders in our own way. The church of tomorrow depends on how we set the foundation for the church of today.  There will be crisis and there will be need, but there will always be good people standing behind us.

It is normal for others to turn to us for help and for  us to feel overwhelmed, but never forget that we always have a good shepherd that we can turn to when we feel lost and doubtful.