November 24, 2024 – Contribution for Missionary Month

November is designated Missionary Month in the Meadowbrook/ Merrivale Cure. It has been recognised that one day or one week was not enough time to get effective reminders on the message of mission circulated among our congregations and to have meaningful and memorable activities.

The Jamaica Church Missionary Society (JCMS) is the recognized Missionary Agency of the Anglican Church in Jamaica in the Province of the West Indies. As registered communicant members, we are considered members of the Society.

The following is an extract from the Jamaica Church Missionary Society (JCMS) Chairman’s Message 2024:

Mission is the essence of who we are as a church, that is, we have been sent into the world by a missionary God who sent Jesus Christ as Saviour and the Holy Spirit to sanctify us and all people so we may live in communion with God. This means as people, divided and enslaved by sin, seek purpose, hope, direction and meaning and look to the church for leadership at a time of confusion and proliferation of evil, it is an opportune time for us to revisit how we engage in missionary activities, including Missionary Sunday, so we may more consciously and intentionally fulfill the mandate of the Society” (Report for 2023 presented to the 153rd Annual Synod).

In his message, the JCMS Chairman also encouraged congregations to be creative in how they think about mission, not simply as crusades but also time for prayer, study, teaching and outreach to the wider communities.

As we keep in focus the spreading of the good news of Jesus Christ, let us remember that we are called to subscribe financially as well as assist to raise funds for the work of the JCMS. Pray for the work of the JCMS and give generously on December 1, 2024, Missionary Sunday.
