Message for Third Sunday After The Epiphany
My Brothers and Sisters,Those of you who follow the pronouncements coming out of the medical community would have noticed that this community is suggesting that there is no guarantee that […]
My Brothers and Sisters,Those of you who follow the pronouncements coming out of the medical community would have noticed that this community is suggesting that there is no guarantee that […]
Brothers and Sisters,John begins his Gospel with the famous prologue, the appearance of the Baptist, and the calling of Jesus’ first disciples. His baptism is not actually related by the […]
Baptized in water, sealed by the Spirit, Cleansed by the blood of Christ our king: Heirs of salvation, trusting His promise, Faithfully now God’s praise we sing. Today, the First […]
Dear People of God Let us pray together: Father, let me dedicate, All this year to you, In whatever worldly state You will have me be: Not from sorrow, pain […]
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds How sweet the name of Jesus sounds In a believer’s ear It soothes our sorrows, heals our wounds, And drives away our fear. […]
Brothers and Sisters: We celebrate on December 25th each year the Feast of the Nativity. We observe it as the day on which the Blessed Virgin Mary gave birth to […]
My Brothers and Sisters, I greet you all on this Christmas Day with a Spirit of thanksgiving and gratitude, as despite the various challenges we have experienced this past year, […]
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, To Mary the archangel cameAnd God’s new message did proclaim,‘Hail, Mary, you shall bear a sonWho shall be called the Holy One.’ As we continue […]
My Dear Brothers & Sisters, Joyful, joyful, we adore thee,God of glory, Lord of love;…giver of immortal gladness,Fill us with the light of day. As we continue our journey through […]
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Come, thou long-expected Jesus, Born to set thy people free; From our fears and sins release us; Let us find our rest in thee. As […]